Dr Hiltje Maas-van de Kamer is a botanist at the Institute of Systematic Botany, State University of Utrecht,Postbus 80.102, 3508 TC Utrecht, Netherlands. She is the wife of Professor Paul Maas and together they have published many papers. She is a specialist in the flora of the neotropics.
Together, the Maas partnership have identified and named about two hundred fifty plants from the Burmanniaceae, the Costus Family (Costaceae), the Gentian Family (Gentianaceae), the Bloodwort Family (Haemodoraceae), the Banana Family (Musaceae), the Olacaceae, the Triuridaceae, and the Ginger Family (Zingiberaceae).
The Annonaceae and saprotrophic plants from the neotropics, such as the Burmanniaceae, are two major areas of research.
Maas has also worked with the genus Canna (Cannaceae) and has published floristic treatments of this group for Ecuador (Maas & Maas 1988),[1] and in 2008 released a complete revision of the genus, The Cannaceae of the World.[2]